HomeVermont Responsible GamblingVermont Gambling Self Exclusion List

Vermont gambling self exclusion list

On this page, you’ll learn the ins and outs of the Vermont self exclusion list, including its purpose, how to get on the list, and its impact on gambling habits in VT.

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The Vermont Gambling Self Exclusion List is a vital tool in promoting responsible gambling in Vermont. This program allows individuals to voluntarily exclude themselves from gambling activities as a way to manage problem gambling behaviors. By registering on this list, individuals can take a proactive step in limiting or completely stopping their gambling activities in Vermont.

The list is part of Vermont's broader efforts to provide resources and support for those facing gambling addiction, ensuring a safer gambling environment for everyone. The following sections will delve deeper into how the self-exclusion process works, its legal implications, and the support available for those enrolled in the program.

Does Vermont have a self exclusion list for gamblers?

Yes, Vermont does have a self-exclusion list for gamblers, specifically related to legalized Vermont mobile sports wagering and fantasy sports activities. This program allows individuals to voluntarily exclude themselves from these gambling activities as a measure to address problem gambling.

By registering on the Vermont Self-Exclusion List, participants can choose to be excluded for a set period of time, including options for 1, 3, or 5 years, or even for a lifetime. It's important to note that once a person selects the lifetime option for self-exclusion, they cannot remove themselves from the list.

How the Vermont self exclusion list works

The Vermont Self Exclusion List is a responsible gambling initiative that enables individuals to voluntarily opt out of legalized mobile sports wagering and fantasy sports activities. This program is designed to help individuals who struggle with gambling addiction by providing a structured way to limit their access to gambling opportunities.

To register for this program, individuals must complete an application process that includes agreeing to various terms. This process requires access to an email and cell phone for verification purposes, as well as a form of photo identification, like a driver’s license or passport. Individuals must also provide their Social Security number and an official identification number.

Once on the list, individuals cannot participate in legalized mobile sports wagering and fantasy sports in Vermont. The exclusion is available for different durations: 1, 3, or 5 years, of a lifetime. It's crucial to note that opting for a lifetime exclusion is irreversible. Removal from the list is only possible after the selected exclusion period has ended, except for those who choose the lifetime option.

Why would some gamblers put themselves on the Vermont self exclusion list?

Gamblers may choose to put themselves on the Vermont Self Exclusion List as a proactive measure to manage or prevent problem gambling. This decision is often motivated by a realization of the negative impact that gambling has had on their lives, whether financially, emotionally, or socially. Being on the self-exclusion list helps individuals by reducing the temptation to gamble and providing a barrier against the accessibility of gambling activities.

Self-exclusion is particularly useful for those who have noticed a compulsive pattern in their gambling behavior and want to take steps to prevent further harm. It serves as a commitment to break the cycle of gambling addiction and can be a part of a broader personal strategy that includes seeking therapy, joining support groups, or other methods of rehabilitation.

Is it possible to take yourself off the Vermont self exclusion list?

Removing oneself from the Vermont Self Exclusion List is possible, but only under certain conditions, and it's generally not recommended. The list offers a vital safeguard for individuals grappling with gambling problems, and removing this protection prematurely can risk a relapse into problematic behaviors.

Individuals can only request removal from the list after their selected exclusion period has ended. This means if a person has chosen a 1, 3, or 5-year exclusion period, they can only seek removal after these periods have elapsed. However, if a person has opted for a lifetime exclusion, this decision is irreversible, and they cannot remove themselves from the list.


How long does a self-exclusion period typically last in Vermont?

In Vermont, the self-exclusion period can vary based on the individual's choice. People can opt for an exclusion period of 1, 3, or 5 years. There is also an option for a lifetime exclusion, which is irreversible once chosen.

Can individuals voluntarily remove themselves from the self-exclusion list before the designated period ends?

No, individuals cannot voluntarily remove themselves from the Vermont Self Exclusion List before the end of their designated period. Once a person chooses a specific duration for self-exclusion - whether it's 1, 3, or 5 years, or a lifetime - they are committed to that period.

Are there any fees associated with enrolling in the Vermont self-exclusion program?

No, there are no fees associated with enrolling in the Vermont Self Exclusion Program. The program is designed to be accessible and free of charge to support individuals in managing their gambling habits.

What information is required when signing up for the self-exclusion list?

When signing up for the Vermont Self Exclusion List, individuals need to provide certain information for verification and processing. This includes access to an email and cell phone for receiving a one-time authentication code, a photo ID (such as a driver's license or passport) for identity verification, and their Social Security number and official identification number.

What happens if a person on the self-exclusion list is found gambling in a Vermont casino or establishment?

If a person on the Vermont Self Exclusion List is found gambling in a Vermont casino or establishment, they would likely face removal from the premises and their gambling activities would be halted. Additionally, any winnings may be forfeited, as participating in gambling activities while on the self-exclusion list is a violation of the agreement they entered into when they registered for the program.